It tells us by how many parts a whole number or an item has been split up into and the numerator tells us how many parts there are as for example 3/4 means 3 parts of 4
The denominator is the bottom number. It represents how many parts the whole has been evenly split into. The numerator is the top number. It represents how many of those pieces we have. For instance, if you have 3/5 of a cake. This shows the cake has been split into 5 pieces, of which you have 3.
Yes the numerator is how many parts of a whole number while the denominator is what part of the whole number is as for example 3/4 is 3 parts of 4
because they wanted to split the country into lots of different parts
there are 27 chapters in mockingjay split into three parts
our country has 3 parts
Though many parts of it were known through voyages previous to Columbus is had various names depending on which country you ask.
1 but breaking dawn is said to be split into 2 parts
There are many Moorish place names is Spain because the Moors occupied parts of Spain for 781 years.
It tells us by how many parts a whole number or an item has been split up into and the numerator tells us how many parts there are as for example 3/4 means 3 parts of 4
either , 2, 4, 6 or 7
how many colour can you split and how many colours can you split nat a time how many colour can you split and how many colours can you split nat a time