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1 if it's big enough

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Q: How many pennies would it take to get all the way are earth?
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How many pennies would fit in a 1 gallon water jug?

i tink it would take about maybe estimate of 10,000 pennies i tink it would take about maybe estimate of 10,000 pennies

How many pennies would it take to save nine thousand dollars?

100 pennies in a dollar times 9000 or 900,000 pennies

How many pennies would it take to reach to the moon?

The distance to the moon is approximately 238,855 miles. If you stacked pennies on top of each other, a single penny is about 0.06 inches thick. You would need roughly 477,710,000 pennies stacked on top of each other to reach the moon.

How many pennies does it take to get to a dollar?

100 pennies

How many pennies would it take to fill a 7 gallon jug?


About how many times would all the pennies ever made lined up circle around the of the earth?

I would say approximatley 671,385,264 pennies is how much it would take to wrap around the Earth once this answer is really wrong! so heres the right answer two ways: first , if a penny is : 19.05 mm (0.750 in) in Diameter and then earth is 40075.02 km at the middle(Circumference) then it would take 1,577,756,692.9 pennies. Think edge to edge! 40 075.02 kilometer = 1 577 756 692.9 inch second, if you were to lay them standing up back to back, then the Thickness:1.55 mm (0.061 in), so it would take 40,075,020,000 pennies! 40 075.02 kilometer = 40 075 020 000 millimeter so i would estimate that the U.S. made about 125 trillion pennies from 1793 to 2008. so you could do it about twice, however most pennies have a life of 22 days before they end up in the trash.

How many pennies does it take to make a nickel?

5 pennies

How many pennies would it take to save ten thousand dollars?

1 million

How many days would it take to save 10 dollars if you save 4 pennies a day?

4 pennies/day = 100 pennies ($1.00)/25 days = 1000 pennies ($10.00)/250 days

How many pennies does it take to make 5 grams?

(Modern) Pennies on average way approximately 2 grams. So 2.5 pennies would make approximately 5 grams.

How many pennies does it take to get 25000 dollars?

2,500,000 pennies fuktard

If your allowance was a penny doubled every day how many days would it take you to reach 1000.00?

On the eleventh day you would have 1,024 pennies, but if you save up all your pennies, you will have 1,023 pennies after being paid on the tenth day