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Q: How many people are killed each year by moose?
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How many moose are killed each year?


How many people are killed by moose?

On average, there are about 5-10 deaths caused by moose attacks per year in North America. Most of these incidents occur when people get too close to moose, especially during mating season or when they feel threatened. It's important to keep a safe distance and respect their space to avoid potential danger.

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not many more people die being killed by a moose.

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a estamated 1,836 people were killed

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33 people/ minute

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many people are but nobody knows how many people

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there are 4,000 people killed each year

How many hooves does a moose have on his foot?

A moose has two hooves on each foot, for a total of four hooves. Each hoof is split into two parts, making it appear as though a moose has four distinct toes on each foot.

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A few people each year are killed by crocodiles. Many animals are killed by crocodiles each year.

How many people live in moose jaw?

go to moose jaw and count all the people that live there!!!!

How many people diaed from a moose attack in Canada?

5-10 people die from a moose attack

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there is about 43443 people killed by car crashes each year there is about 43443 people killed by car crashes each year