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Q: How many people die by house cats per year?
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How many mice do cats kill a year?

100+ dogs die a day its so sad i cant imagine being a dog!

How many people get injured or killed by cats in the Everglades every year?

There are no specific statistics on how many people are injured or killed by cats in the Everglades each year. However, feral cats pose a threat to native wildlife in the Everglades by preying on endangered species.

How many people visit the white house daily?

People visit the white house. The population grows. There are at least 25,000,000 people come to visit the white house each year.

How many cats are born a year?

over 1 million cats are born a year

How many people are killed by cats?

it is estimated that over 2.5 million birds and small animals are killed by cats each YEAR. yet there is still so many...............

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There were 8 Gryffindor's in Harry's year.

How many people tour the White House in each year?

1.5 million visitors go through the White House each year.

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1,241,763 in 2009.

How do people celebrate new year in Egypt?

they pray to cats

Each year the white house is visted by how many people?

Prior to September 11, 2001, 1.25 million people visited the White House each year. Since that time the visitation has been stopped twice. Currently, the House hosts about 550,000 visitors each year.

How many dogs and cats are abused a year?

There are about 300 cats and dogs abused in a year! actually more like 1000's