Well, for all Cancers in the world, every year there is 7.6 million people that die. For breast cancer there is about 40,460, per year, that is about 111 every day
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14 million
There is about a 65% survival rate (living up to five years after being diagnosed with cancer) in the U.S.A. About 1.5 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year, so about 975,000 people survive cancer in the U.S.A each year - though the statistics can change.
how many people diagnosed with lung canser 2006 how many people are diagnosed with lung cancer in the us 2006
I think 70% out of 100?
There are far too many people that get kidney cancer each year. The number is in the hundreds around the world.
10.9 million people are killed each year due to cancer.
100,000 people die because of sun cancer
There are many new cases of cancer each year. In South Australia the average of people affected with cancer is about 700 people or more per year because of sun radiation. Most of the people in South Australia got cancer during summer time.
In U.S.A approx 40,000 women die from brest cancer each year!
250 000
approximately 30000 people in the u.s die from throat cancer due to smoking,each year.
About 1,200 people die from cancer each year. About 1,200 people die from cancer each year.
about 1,000,000 people every year
one or 2
14 million