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Q: How many people have been alive since 4000 BC?
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been around since 4000 b.c.

When was Stonehenge founded?

About 4000 years ago

Which animal has been used as a beast of burden since 4000 BC?

That animal is the camel.

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They are believed to have originated around 2000 BCE and they are still alive today. They have been in existence for approximately 4000 years. Today they are called "Jews".

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Not since he died.

How long pyramids been around?

Jamarius Winda- Says they been around since the old Kingdom about 4000 years ago.

What is the mandrills population size?

since ive been alive

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about 4000,more and more daily though

If 4000 people attemtepted to climb a mountain and only 660 people made it to the top what percentage of people have been successful?

16.5 percent to get this answer just divide 660 by 4000 and times it by 100

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Since 1930 by that name. Lotto, which is a related game, has been around since 1530.

How many years have people been sending things into space?

Since ur mother been alive and shes old jk since the 1950's russian sent a little minature tiny rocket into space

When was the Tajikistan was built?

Tajikistan is a country. It wasn't built. There have been civilizations living there since before 4000 BCE.