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EVERYBODY in the US has the same birthday as someone else in the US. The converse would be that someone in the US has his/her own birthday and nobody else in the entire population of 300,000,000 people in the US was born on that day.

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Q: How many people have the same birthday in the US?
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How many people have the same birthday as you?

If there are 300,000,000 people in the US, then on average you share your birthday with over 82,000 people. Of course, if your birthday is 2/29, you would share it with about 1/4th of that number.

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Because he defended " colored" people rights to use the same bathrooms, go to the same schools, and gave them to right to vote with us white people.

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Use the Related link below to see how many people in the US have the same name as you.

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celebrate Lincoln's birthday

Where is the website that when i enter a name it tells me how many people in the US have that same name?

You can go to

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There is no US President born on January 19th.

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I really do think there was a time in history

How many people play basketball in the US?

The same amount of times that I had sex your mom..... 987,654,321,098,765,432,109,876,543,210,987,654,321

Do people eat the same food as the people in the US do?

Yes, they do. Washington, D.C. is in the US.

When was Maplestory created?

GlobalMS (US Version) was created on May 11, 2005 the same day as my birthday.

How many people were born on the same year as John F. Kennedy?

How am i suppose to know!! ====== About 2.9 million in the US.

What is the birthday song in the series back to the barnyard?

happy birthday, happy birthday, people dying every day but happy birthday Answer It's your birthday, make a mess : It's your birthday, wear a dress : It's your birthday, you look swell : It's your birthday, tip us well!