Between 1901 and 2011, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 549 times.
John F. Nash Jr. won The Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994.
When Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921, he was awarded the sum of 121,573 Swedish Krona. This sum translates to 2,285,572 Swedish Krona in 2007, which is roughly 331,000 U.S. Dollars. Please see the related links from the Nobel Prize site for the basis of calculations.
The photoelectric effect, for which he won his Nobel Prize, and the Theory of General Relativity.
Marie Curie 1903 (Physics) and 1911 (Chemistry) The United Nations as an organisation has won it 8 times.there are several others as listed on the official web site of the nobel committee website (http:/ Red Cross has won the Nobel Peace Prize three times.In addition, the founder of the RC, Henry Dunant, was awarded the first Peace Prize in 1901.J. Bardeen M. Curie L. Pauling Physics 1956Physics 1972 Physics 1903Chemistry 1911 Chemistry 1954Peace 1962F. Sanger ICRC UNHCR Chemistry 1958Chemistry 1980 Peace 1917Peace 1944Peace 1963 Peace 1954Peace 1981
The youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize so far is Mairead Corrigan. She was 32 years old when she received the award in 1976. She split the award with Betty Williams. Both were founders of the North Ireland Peace Movement. Martin Luther King, Jr., who won it in 1964, when he was 35 years old, is the youngest male recipient of the award.
52 organizations won the nobel peace prize
Since 1901 total 750 people around the world won Nobel prize, among them 163 Jews, or 22% of all Nobel prize winners. Jews are only 0.2% of world population.
As of 2014, 349 Americans have won a Nobel Prize. The first was Theodore Roosevelt who the Peace Prize in 1906.
One person won it: William Randal Cremer.
The person who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013 was Alice Munro. In all, 110 people have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature since 1901.
Marie Curie, referred to as "madam query," won the Nobel Prize twice. She won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
There have been a total of five people of Hispanic heritage who have won the Nobel Peace Prize from 1936 to 1992. There have a total of 21 people of Hispanic heritage who have the Nobel Prize in other fields in that same time period.
Philip Noel Baker from the British Olympic team has won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.
Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.Four people from Northern Ireland have won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 was awarded jointly to John Hume and David Trimble.
Many Indians won the nobel prize they are Rabindranath Tagore(Nobel Prize for Literature),Chandrashekar Venkata Raman(Nobel Prize in Physics),Hargobind Khorana(The Nobel Prize for Medicine),Mother Teresa(The Nobel Peace Prize),Subramanian Chandrashekar(The Nobel Prize for Physics),Amartya Sen(Nobel Prize for Economics) and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Thomas A. Steitz and Ada Yonath
Nobel Peace Prize
Never. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921 for his work on the photoelectric effect.