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That is an imposible to answer question. Any answer you get is going to be speculation based on very little tangible data.

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Q: How many people in the world die alone each year?
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56,991 in just America alone. In the world 102,341 people die each year.

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About 2 million people die from smoking each year in the us alone.

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approximately three thousand in the us alone

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Alot of people like each other because their are so many people out in the world

Do you travel alone?

Many people travel alone. It allows them the freedom to do whatever they want each day. They can eat where they want, visit what they want, and spend as much time as they want on each activity.

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There are thousands of people that participate in hockey each year in Canada alone. This number is higher and lower in different countries.

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The number of phones stolen each day in the UK alone is 300 per day

How many people die everyday in the world?

According to a rough estimation, almost 150,000 people die each day across the globe. About 100,000 people die of Age related causes.

How many people in the US die alone each year?

It is difficult to determine an exact number of people who die alone in the US each year, as it can vary depending on factors like location and circumstances. However, estimates suggest that thousands of individuals may die alone in the US annually.

How many people are victims of cavities?

Many people have cavities each year and this is a common dental problem for people around the world. However, how many people have cavities each year is not known.

How many people play world of war craft each day?

to many