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Q: How many people must be in the room in order to guaratnee that at least two people share a birthday?
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People in at least one African tribe collect blood from cattle and drink it in order to survive.

What might other people get me for my birthday?

In all honesty I think that you should be surprised for your birthday. But, if you want to have an idea of what you might be getting make sure to put in your order and be sure to express your interest.

How many people in school share a birthday?

There cannot be a definite answer. There can only be a probabilistic answer of the number of people who might be expected to share a birthday. However, in order to do that it is necessary to know how many people there are in the school. And since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

Where can one order a Birthday bouquet of flowers in England?

One can order a birthday bouquet of flowers from a number of different retailers in England. One can order birthday bouquet from Prestige Flowers, Dee's Floral Designs, and Flowers Xpress.

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you can find the least common denominator and then order them.

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Yes, numerical order is from least to greatest for example 1,2,3,4...

What order should you write the people you acknowledge in a preschool welcome speech?

This depends, if you are just listing them, you would put them in alphabetic order. Exp. The people I acknowledge: Anna Beth Carl Dave If you say why you acknowledge them after their name, order them from the people you acknowledge least, to the people you acknowledge the greatest, so your speech can end with "pizzaz."

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You have to be at least 25 years old in order to be a Representative, and you have to be at least 30 years old in order to be a Senator.

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What is the order of greatest to least?To see the order of which the numbers go in.

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It means in order from greatest to least.