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Q: How many people use water everyday?
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What are some natural resources people use in everyday life?

Water, oxygen, electricity

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A typical household uses approximately 260 gallons of water everyday. People on Earth only use 1% of water on Earth.

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people die everyday in louisiana from tobacco use.

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We're stoked to go to work everyday-not many people have that.

Why do you use the same amount of water for the same purpose everyday?

We do not use the same amount of water everyday for the same purposes because everyday we all have to use water for different reasons. For example: If we're told to wash the car tomorrow, we're not going to be accurate with the amount of water we use. This is because of the size of the car or lack of water use that maybe due to water cuts and washing the car by hand and bucket or not keeping track of the amount you use. Other examples: The everyday needs for water like washing the dishes, washing the clothes, cooking food that takes up water, etc. These other examples are some of the many things we use water for everyday. My observations for the past 4 weeks for this write up has taught me many things and has answered all my questions to conserving water because it is one thing we all cannot live without. If there was no water, there would be no life.

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What is a way we use water everyday?

By drinking out of water bottles and out of a water fountain.

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Almost the whole of the uk use the web everyday. Nearly the whole world uses the web in their everyday life (especially japan, they have created new websites almost every day).

How many use the internet in country India?

by statistics 5 cr people uses intenet everyday.