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Q: How many percent a major part of the accident of human error at sea?
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What major factor affects standard error or the mean?

The values of the variables!

What is the different between accident and incident?

When classifying a plane "crash", the FAA refers to it as either an Accident or an Incident.An Accident is when there is major damage to an airplane and/or injury or death.An Incident only involves minor damage to the airplane or a few minor injuries.Recommend the FAA or the NTSB website.ANSWER 2any accident that is caused intentionally in any way by someone is not an "accident" - an incident is any thing that happens that is not an accident as definied in the above answer - thus an intentionally caused incident, even if it is fatal or has major damage, is not an accident but an incident - hopefully that's not too confusing!Another thoughtI was always under the impression that it was simply a matter of cost. If the repairs exceeded a specific dollar amount, or man hours required for repair, then it was categorized as an accident. However, it certainly makes sense that other factors, such as injury and/or death, would be considered.

What are the major sources of error in your determination of the molar mass?

1.) Some of the sample may have been lost in between testing that could resulted in slight error when calculating your molar mass. 2.) Weighing sample incorrectly and having too low/high std. deviation

Why does a Negative number times a negative number equals a posotive?

due to the fact that 2 negatives cannot equal a negative, even when subtracting. you must change the sign or else it will cause a major syntax error.

You have a 96 in the class and you got a 50 on your major assignment which is 60 percent of your grade What is your new score?

40% of the grade of 96 and 60% of the grade of 50 gives (.4x96+.6x50) = grade of 68

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Human error. It is the major factor that the actions can't be projected

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What do you call a major accident?

There is no legal definition of a "major" accident. It is a loose description that is usually applied to any accident which causes major costly damage and/or injury or death.

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What is the significance of human factor in a major aircraft accident?

Human factors is an important subject and is taught at all levels in the aircraft industry. It is the cornerstone of a lot of legislation and working practises simply because the human element is the most likely of all to cause an incident.

How important is it to have accident insurance?

It is important to have accident insurance in order to be prepared for the unexpected. Having accident insurance will prevent major expenses but not all resulting in an accident.

What did people learn from the Chernobyl disaster?

Human error at any level of technology development or use is the biggest cause of major accidents with the technology, regardless of type of technology.

Is a hazmat spill considered a major accident?

Oh, yes. These things are typically based on the monetary amount of damage caused, and a hazmat cleanup is universally going to be expensive enough to qualify as a major accident. Whether it's deemed preventable or not is an entirely separate matter, but it is most definitely a major accident.

What are some causes accident and how accident it is related to the 3 laws of motion?

Some causes of accidents include human error, mechanical failure, and environmental factors. The 3 laws of motion, formulated by Newton, are related to accidents as they explain how objects move and interact with each other. For example, the first law states that an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force, which can help explain the outcome of a collision.

How do you achieve an out of body experience?

Right before a major accident happens, your subconscious perceives the accident, so you can change the outcome to a minor accident, by moving your body an inch away.

How many major nuclear accidents have there been?

Three major nuclear accidents; namely:Three Miles Islands nuclear accident, USA, March 1979Chernobyl nuclear accident, Ukraine (former Soviet Union), April 1986Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan, March 2011

What is full form of CIMAH?

Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards