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Q: How many perpendicular lines has a cuboid got?
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How many perpendicular lines has a triangle got?

two if the triangle has a right angle

How many edges and faces has a cuboid got?

How many faces of cuboid

How many flat surfaces has a cuboid got?

A cuboid has got six flat surfaces.

How many perpendicular lines are there in a diamond?

Diamonds come in all shapes and sizes, which determine the number of perpendicular lines (assuming you are referring to the edges as the lines) so there is no one number of lines or perpendicular lines on a diamond.

How many perpendicular lines has a heptagon got?

Well, isn't that a happy little question! A heptagon, with its seven sides, can have a maximum of seven perpendicular lines. Each side can have one perpendicular line drawn from it, creating a lovely pattern of right angles within the shape. Just remember, there are no mistakes, only happy little perpendicular lines waiting to be discovered!

Has the letter L got any lines of symmetry?

No but it has perpendicular lines that meet at right angles.

How many vertices has cuboid got?

A cuboid has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 6 faces

How many corners has a cuboid got?

8 corners

How many pairs of perpendicular line does a heptagon have?

Oh, dude, a heptagon has like a bazillion pairs of perpendicular lines... just kidding! It actually has 14 pairs of perpendicular lines. So, like, if you ever need to find perpendicular lines in a heptagon, you've got plenty to choose from.

How many faces has a cuboid got?

6 everybody knows that

Do a cuboid got 12 vertice?

A cuboid does have 12 vertices.

How may vertaices has a cuboid got?

A cuboid has 8 vertices (not vertaices).