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This answer depends on how busy the place is. During the weekdays, most alleys will allow up to six people per lane, as long as the group behaves itself and doesn't bother other players.

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Q: How many persons allowed to play in a game of bowling?
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How many points is needed to roll a perfect game in tenpin bowling?

In tenpin bowling, a perfect game is 300.

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you can get money by playing games. like the soccar game the memory card game the bowling game many games. you can get money by playing games. like the soccar game the memory card game the bowling game many games.

How many rounds in one bowling game?

10 frames in a bowling game, 10th frame can have up to 2 extra balls. For example 3 strikes in the 10th frame. 12 strikes in a game = 300 = perfect game.

What is a bowling ball?

A bowling ball is a ball that is used in the game of bowling, where you roll the ball down an aisle and try to knock down as many pins as you can.

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four persons

How many turns do you get in bowling?

In tenpin Bowling a person gets 10 frames per game. Depending on if you get strikes or not, you could have a few as 12 and as many as 21.

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The object of cat bowling is to squash as many cats as possible in a ten-frame game of bowling. Use the space bar to bowl and move the arrow keys to change the speed.

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If the boat sinks, too many people are on it.

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Bowling can be cheaper if you play one game. The price varies though on how many games you play and if there's a special Without special Bowling- about $5 per game, about $2-3 for shoes Mini Golf- $10-12 for a round

How many substitutes are allowed in a game?


Why did the british hate bowling?

The British do not hate bowling. There are many bowling lawns and bowling alleys .

How many hours do you do in bowling?

To bowl one game by yourself is about 15 minutes or 1/4 of an hour.