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That must be one of the most pointless questions that I have ever seen. The answer depends on how sharp a knife you have and on how much patience you have. Any piece can be cut in two, thereby increasing the total number of pieces (by one) and you can keep on at it all night - and the following day. A more interesting exercise might be to find out how many pieces you can get out of one Pizza.

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Q: How many pieces does any pizza have?
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How many pieces of pizza does a normal person have in a year?

i think a normal person has at least 100 pieces of pizza a year.

If there are 16 people and they each eat 34 of pizza how many pieces of pizza should you get?

12 pizzas

How many calories for 3 pieces of pizza?

There are about 750 calories in 3 slices of pizza from Little Caesars.

What is a real world word problem involving part of a whole using a fraction?

Figuring out how many pieces of pizza a family of four each gets from a pizza divided into 12 pieces.

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an infinite number

Why do you say that fractions are the numbers that help us to share?

I guess because fractions represent a PART of the whole number. Let's use a pizza for an example: You have a WHOLE pizza that you want to cut and share with your friends. How do you know how many pieces you will need to cut it into? By counting yourself and your friends and then dividing the pizza into that many pieces. Assume you and five friends are sharing ONE pizza; you would cut the pizza into six pieces so each will eat one-sixth of the pizza. In this way, fractions represent the numbers that help us share.

How many slices was the world's largest pizza cut into in 1978?

it was cut into 28 pieces

How many people will an 16 inch pizza serve?

It depends on how big/small the pieces are.

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Will be roughly 500 calories pizza is the worst thing to eat

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