Constituent pieces of the set.
A "subset" means you can make it out of the pieces in the original set. No matter what set you begin with, you always have the option to choose no pieces at all--that creates the null subset.
Meccano sets are very popular among children and adults. However, the exact amount of pieces will vary by set and age suggestion of the particular kit.
Pieces of candy is plural; how many pieces are in a jar.
a mass is 1200 pieces.
I have pieces of the Lorraine V collection. I would like to sell the chest-on-chest or trade for the Lingerie Chest. I will e-mail a photo when you reply.
There are 12 pieces of each color. That makes a total of 24 pieces in a set.
Bedroom set comes with from 3 to 7 pieces of furnitures.
There are generally 16 pieces in a starter dinnerware set (serves 4).
How many pieces that should be in a diamond and gold jewerly set usually vary among the makers but usually they sell them in a 3 piece set .
Typically you'll get three pieces of luggage in a standard luggage set, though this is variable.
Many costume shops actually carry chest pieces that can be added to costumes.
There are many pieces typically included in a Caphalon cookware set. Pieces typically included in a Caphalon cookware set include small pots and pans, large pots and pans, and cutlery.
Generally, a Wusthof Classic knife set consists of eight pieces per set. You should have eight knives in the kit for a complete collection of the set.
You can expect to have between 65 and 102 pieces in your set.