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Q: How many pieces in a cut up chicken?
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How can I speed up the marinating process for chicken?

To speed up the marinating process for chicken, you can cut the chicken into smaller pieces, use a tenderizing tool to create small cuts in the meat, and increase the acidity or salt content of the marinade. This will help the flavors penetrate the chicken faster.

Why Is 4 over 9 greater than 4 over 10?

Because 4 pieces of something that was cut up in 9 pieces is more than 4 pieces of something that was cut up in 10 pieces. If you cut it up in 9 pieces instead of 10, then the pieces are bigger.

Whtat is the difference between cut and cut up?

Cut is to separate with or as if with an instrument. Cut up is to cut to pieces.

How many people will eat 1 kg chicken?

Good question. To get the most out of any roast chicken it is best to cut the chicken into it's natural pieces. Carved properly a whole chicken will give: Two wings, cut deeply into the breast side to get to the joint. Two drumsticks Two thighs and two breasts. This leaves the back which some folks like. It is usually good to cut each breast into two equal pieces. A 1kg chicken is a little on the small side, but cut up like this it is easy to share with up to six, not very hungry, people. Just make sure you have some vegetables to fill out the plate.

How many midgets can fit in a phone booth?

It depends on what size pieces you cut them up into.

How many pieces of larger ribbons she had at the startif she cut it in sixth and ended up with 31 small pieces?

she would have had 5 and 1 sixth pieces of ribbon

A strip of wood 66 inches long is to be cut into 51 2 -inch pieces How many pieces can be cut?

51 pieces of 2 inch lengths adds up to 102 inches. These cannot be cut from a strip which is only 66 inches long.

Do you reheat frozen roasted chickens whole or cut up?

Reheating frozen roasted chickens by cutting them up first is easier than reheating a whole chicken. If you reheat a whole chicken, it may dry out from being in the oven for so long. You can reheat cut up pieces at a high temperature for a short period of time which prevents them from drying out.

What is the derivative of dissect?

Dissect = to cut up, cut into pieces from Latin:dis = apartsecare = to cut

How much does the 50 pieces of fried chicken cost at Publix grocer deli?

The Publix near me sells boxes of fried chicken pieces that make up a whole chicken for $7.99.

Find directions on how to cut up a whole chicken?

you have to cut the leg back.

What is etiquette for eating chicken?

If you are out in a restaurant then you should eat chicken with a knife and fork. You can use your fork to pull the meat away from the bone or, cut pieces of the chicken with your knife and then use your fork to eat it. If in a high end restaurant you do not pick chicken up with your hands and eat it as that is not etiquette, but if you are at a family orientated restaurant this is acceptable.