1/3 cups milk is 1/6 pints, as 1 pint is 2 cups.
In Australia 1 PINT equals exactly 2&1/2 cups OR 20 fluid Ounces
Therefore 1 Cup equals 0.4 Pint and 1/3 Cup equals 0.133 Pint which is closer to 1/7Pint. In U.S.A their Pint is not the same as a British Pint because an American Gallon is different to a British (Aussie) Gallon.
there are 12 pints1 Gallon [US] = 8 Pints [US]1 Pint [US] = 0.125 Gallons [US]
hi there, i think two third is 66.6% and if u take away two third from the whole bottle which three third , it remains one third. i hope i m right.
if large,pints if small,ounces if medium,cups
10 pints of beer, 6 shots of whisky, 3 glasses of water and a bottle of milk.
An equal amount "matches" each other. So, if you are told to combine milk and water in equal amounts, with the total amount specified as "one cup", the milk would be 1/2 cup and the water 1/2 cup. There are many situations in life where you'll need to know what to do to combine substances in "equal amounts".
16 US pints = 8 quarts
8 pints..... is this a trick question?
Six liters of milk is equal to 12.7 pints or 10.6 UK pints.
14 pints is equal toUK 33.6 cupsUS 28 cups
One pint of milk is equal to about 0.473 L
8 cups of milk is equal to 4 pints or 2 quarts.
40 pints
2.5 pints
There are 6 cups in three pints of milk. Each pint is equal to 2 cups, so 3 pints x 2 cups = 6 cups.
4 pints is equal to 2 quarts. Both of these measurements are in US calculations. A common use of a quart is milk.
5 pints
2 pints in a quart