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Q: How many places Do you have that use integers?
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How many integers between 0 and 20?

An integer is a whole number ( a number with no decimal places ) so there are 20 integers. 21 if you include the 0.

Where can you use integers at?

Every aspect of mathematics depends upon integers, and even if you don't do any mathematics, you count things with integers. If you even want to know how many guests you are having for dinner, you need to use integers.

How many decimal places on a product of a number with decimal places to the thousand multiplied by number with decimal places to the hundreds?

Since both multiplicands are integers, then so is their product.

How do you use integers every day?

We you integers everyday by:In bank accountsThe temperatureIn golfIn the stock market(These are just a few of the ways you can use integers. There are many other ways too!)

What are the uses of integers?

There are several different ways that you can use integers in everyday situations. For example you can use integers in the Winter, you use them with the temperature.

Can integers contain non-zero decimal places?

No. Integers are whole numbers. e.g. 27, 9.0000, 84.0

What is the sum of two consecutive even integers is -298 What are the integers?

-148 and -150an integer is a whole number, no decimal places

How many integers are there in the numerals?

All the numerals are integers (positive integers)

Are integers irrational numbers?

No- integers are a kind of rational number and are not irrational. One well-known example of an irrational number is the square root of 2.

What was the first culture to use negative integers?

The Chinese and Hindu were the first to use negative integers

Do convience stores use integers?

Yes, they do. Many products are priced per item. And to figure out the total cost, you need integers to count the number of items.

How do you subtract integers on a number line?

take away from number places