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Q: How many plaes did cristifer colombus go to?
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you go to the water plaes and you go in the water

Did christopher Colombus go to school?

He went to school for only a bit. He had to drop out.

What is a main attraction in Colombus?

In order to find out about main attraction in Colombus one can go to the relevant website and get information. Also one can get more information from the library books about this issue. Alternatively one can consult an expert in this subject to get detailed information in this field.

Which is farther ColombusOhio to Indianapolis Indiana or Colombus Ohio to Harrisburg Pennsylvania?

Google maps would be a better website to go for this question.

What were the first adventurers to explore North America looking for?

Christopher Colombus was one of the first adventurers to explore North America. Christopher Colombus was looking for Asia but instead found a totally new land, America.

Who was the first person to go to Jamaica?

christeren colombus i cant spell it right but its okk

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Ohio State. Better school, campus, Colombus is a fun city, atmosphere and of course, better sports.

Why didn't Columbus go threw the east?

People said to Christopher Colombus that if he journied through another route, he would surely die. Colombus replied: I would rather sail off the edge of the F***ING WORLD THAN DEAL WITH THOSE PEOPLE ONE MORE DAY. He was referring to the arabs and muslims in the Middle East.

Why America call America?

America is called America cuz a guy named Amerigo hispucchi found the place, colombus didn't actually go on America, he just saw it

Where did black peppers originate?

India Hence the spice trade and the search for a way to get things that make bland food taste better. There's a reason Colombus called Native Americans Indians, that's where he wanted to go.

How many men sailed with christopher Columbus on his first voyage to America?

According to The Columbia Encyclopedia he took 1500 colonists on 17 ships on his second journey to the New World. On the first journey the Santa Maria had 40 men on board while Nina and Pinta had 24 and 26 men, respectively on board.

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