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Q: How many planes are exist in crystal?
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How many equivalent planes 111 are there in a orthorhombic crystal?

There are 6 equivalent (111) planes in an orthorhombic crystal system. This is because in an orthorhombic crystal system, the axes are of different lengths and perpendicular to each other, creating 6 symmetrical orientations for the (111) planes.

Where do atoms accumulate during crystal growth?

In and along the crystal planes.

How does etching reveal the crystal structure of metal?

Cristal are fundamentally anisotropic. They are geometrically organized in planes that are denser than other direction. When acid etch a crystal, it began where it's easier, by the planes directions where the atoms are the most distant from each other. This process highlight's the crystal planes.

An ionic crystal splits along a face of what?

An ionic crystal splits along a face that corresponds to the planes of its crystal lattice structure. These planes are determined by the repetitive arrangement of ions in the crystal lattice.

What is cleaveges?

In case of sodium chloride crystal we have sodium positive ions and chloride negative ions have been arranged in a perfect order. As we break the crystal then it gets broken only at some definite planes containing these ions. Hence these planes have been named as cleavage planes. The other name for these planes is lattice planes.

Why FCC crystal structure has more slip plans thenHCP?

FCC crystal structure has 12 slip planes because of its cubic symmetry, which allows slip to occur in many directions. HCP crystal structure, on the other hand, has 3 slip planes due to its hexagonal close-packed arrangement, which restricts the slip to fewer directions.

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Where you can catch registeel in crystal version?

Registeel doesn't exist in crystal version.

Do crystal skulls exist?

Yes of course they do!

What are crystal form and cleavage?

Crystal form refers to the natural geometric shape of a mineral crystal, which is determined by its atomic structure. Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along distinct planes of weakness due to its internal atomic arrangement. Cleavage can be described in terms of the number of planes, angles between them, and the quality of the cleavage surface.

What are parallel lines seen on either cleavage planes or crystal faces?

Parallel lines seen on cleavage planes or crystal faces are usually caused by twinning, where two crystals grow together with a specific orientation relationship. This twinning can result in repeated patterns of parallel lines that are visible on the surface of the crystal.