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Infinitely many. And the vice versa of your question holds the same answer.

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Q: How many planes can you draw through a line?
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How many planes go through a line?


How many planes could pass through three points in the same straight line?

Infinitely many planes.

How many planes can you draw through three non-collinear points?

Exactly one.

How many planes can contain one specific line?

An infinite number of planes. Picture a line and now picture planes going in every direction through the line,

How many planes can go through three points not in a line?

Only one.

How many planes can pass through line?

-- An infinite number of different planes can intersect the same line. -- The same line can lie in an infinite number of different planes. -- An infinite number of different lines can intersect the same plane.

Can a given line be in two planes?

Two planes intersect at a line. The line where they intersect pertains to both planes. In the same manner, if infinitely many planes intersect each other at the same line, then that line pertains to the infinitely many planes.

How many planes must intersect to form a line?

The intersection of two planes forms a line.

How many planes can contain two given points?

If 2 points determine a line, then a line contains infinitely many planes.

How many planes contain a given line in space?

Given a line, there are an infinite number of different planes that it lies in.

How many planes intersect to form a line?

A minimum of 2, but an infinite number of planes can intersect at the same line.

How many planes can pass through two given points?

There are an infinite number of planes that pass through a pair of points. Select any plane that passes through both the points and then rotate it along the line joining the two points.