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Q: How many points does the star known as a pentagram have?
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A pentagram is a how many pointed star?

A pentagram has five points or vertices.

How does a pentagram looks?

== == A Pentagram, used by Pagans, is usually a five pointed star, within a circle. In most cases it is displayed with one of the points of the star at the top. == ==

Is the Pentagram the Star of Solomon or the Star of David?

I don't think it is the seal of solomon and it is definitely not the Star of David, which has 6 points, not 5

How many vertices on a pentagram prism?

A pentagram is a five pointed star and has 10 vertices. So, a pentagram prism has 20 vertices. This is NOT the same as a pentagonal prism.

How many points does the star known as a pentagon have?


How many points does a witch star need?

This depends on what you mean by witch-star. Different Witches use different stars, or none at all. The Pentagram (the symbol addopted by Wiccans and other Pagan Witches) has five points (usually pointed in an upright position, in most cases) with an encircling. The Faery Star (a star used in many magical traditions) has seven points. The Six Point Star (as seen in Judaism) is also used by some Wiccans, Kabbbalists, and Ceremonial magicians. Depending on which tradition or custom the Witch is affiliated with, will determine which star is most evident within their tradition. For a Wiccan Witch, this would be the Pentagram.

Can you show me a picture of a pentagram?

A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha or pentangle or, more formally, as a star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes.A picture can be seen in the related links below

Why is a star not a star shape?

The correct term for a "star shape" would be a pentagram, for 5 pointed ones, hexagram for 6, and etc etc. I suppose it was nicknamed the "star" because of its points that streak out similar to a star.

What are the definitions of these words Pentagon Pentagram Pentacle?

Pentagon is a five-sided two-dimensional geometric figure. A pentagram or pentacle is a regular five-pointed star in which the lines from the points are continued to another point, enclosing a pentagon.

Pentagram is to star as cardioid is to?


What is a star symbol called?

An asterisk is a star-shaped punctuation mark. A pentagram is a 5-pointed star, a hexagram is a 6-pointed star also known as Solomon's seal and the Star of David.

Does a pentagram have 5 sides?

A pentagram is a five pointed star. A pentagon in a five sided polygon.