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If each question on a 75-question test is worth the same amount of points, then the total points for the test can be calculated by multiplying the number of questions by the points per question. For example, if each question is worth 1 point, then a 75-question test would be worth 75 points in total.

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Q: How many points is each question on a 75 question test worth?
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If each question on a 75-question test is worth the same number of points, the total number of points for the entire test would be the number of questions multiplied by the points per question. For example, if each question is worth 1 point, then a 75-question test would be worth 75 points in total.

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If all the questions are worth the same and the whole test is 100 points, then each question is worth 12.5 points

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It depends how many points each question is worth. If each question is worth five points on a twenty question test, you would get ninety-five percent.

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You cannot know that. If you are told the total number of points for the test, you know (or count) the number of questions and you are told that each question is worth the same number of points then, and only then, each question is worth (total points/number of questions) points.

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I cannot answer this question. I do not know how much each question is worth.