As of August of 2009, the sworn staff of the Anchorage Police Department was 561 officers, of all ranks.
1360 Officers of all ranks.
In 2007 there were 1584 sworn officers of all ranks on the Cleveland Police Department.
There were 721 sworn officers of all ranks on the Toledo Ohio Police Department as of 12-31-2009.
2538 in fiscal year 2011 budget.
522 Full Time employees, did not include a breakdown any further than that, see link below:
The Philadelphia Police Department has a authorized strength of 6600 Sworn Police Officers.
1360 Officers of all ranks.
17 Sworn Police Officers
The average education of most police officers is an associates degree. Many police officers have no more than a high school education.
As of 2007, there are about 4,000 female state police officers, 19,400 female sheriffs' deputies, and 55,300 female police officers.
In 2007 there were 1584 sworn officers of all ranks on the Cleveland Police Department.
35,520 Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers were employed in Florida in 2009.
As of 2021, the Detroit Police Department employed approximately 450 female police officers, making up about 25% of the total police force.
As of 2007, there are 2109 officers