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Q: How many polyhedra are there?
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Related questions

Is a pyramid a polyhedra?

No. A pyramid is a polyhedron. Many pyramids are polyhedra.

Is a tetrahdron a polyhedra?

Not exactly. A tetrahedron is a polyhedron. Many tetrahedra are polyhedra.

What is the difference between a polyhedron and polyhedra?

One polyhedron; many polyhedra. Simple,wasn't that?

How many faces on a polyhedra?

Many, an unspecified number. Poly, in Greek, means many. Polyhedra (singular polyhedron) means "many faced".

Is a hexagonal prism a polyhedra or a nonpolyhedra?

A hexagonal prism is a polyhedron. Many hexagonal prisms are polyhedra.

What does a cube and a square pyramid have in common?

They are polyhedra, each with a square base.They are polyhedra, each with a square base.They are polyhedra, each with a square base.They are polyhedra, each with a square base.

Are polyhedra prisms?

NO, but prisms are polyhedra. Polyhedra include a lot more shapes than just prisms.

When was Polyhedra DBMS created?

Polyhedra DBMS was created in 1993.

What shape has two opposite identical faces?

A cube, a dodecahedron, an icosahedron amongst regular polyhedra. Many irregular polyhedra, including a prism.

Are cones and cylinders polyhedra?

No. They have curved edges, so they can't be polyhedra.

Is a triangular prism a polyhedra?

A triangular prism is a polyhedron. Polyhedra is a plural term.

Which 3d shapes have identical faces?

There are many such polyhedra. See the link below. The classification and naming of polyhedra is not wholly satisfactory so it is not possible to simply provide a list of names.