If the integer is positive, then you plot it at a distance of that many units to the right of the origin (zero-point). If the integer is negative, the point is to the left of the origin.
10 of them.
320 has 14 divisors.
It is the successor to 125.
12 of them.
Prime squares have three factors. There are 11 of them in that range.
3,000,000 has 98 positive integral factors.
98, including 1 and 3,000,000 itself.
10 positive integral divisors: 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 48.
The squares -- nine of them.
There are infinitely many of them, and so they cannot be listed. They will be of the form n10 where n is any positive integer. Except for n=1. There are infinitely more than these, too, for example any number which is the product of eleven different prime numbers.
The positive divisors of 48 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48.
Infinitely many in both cases.
It is a natural number. It is a positive integer. It is a positive rational number. It is a positive real number. It is a perfect square. It is a three digit integer. It is a palindromic integer. Probably many other sorts.
They have positive non-integer dimensions.