About 5-10 gallons a day.
twelve hundred pounds is equal to 1200 pounds (literally 12 hundreds) twelve thousand pounds is equal to 12000 (literally 12 thousands)
150 pound
7,500 pounds
seven hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred and ninety pounds
In a day, a camel drinks over 2 liters of water.
About 5-10 gallons a day.
No. A million pounds is ten times bigger than a hundred thousand pounds.
twelve hundred pounds is equal to 1200 pounds (literally 12 hundreds) twelve thousand pounds is equal to 12000 (literally 12 thousands)
150 pound
One thousand one pound coins would weigh approximately 1,000 pounds, as each coin weighs about 1 pound.
1 pound = 100 pence 1,000,000 pence / 100 = 10,000 pounds Answer: ten thousand pounds
five thousand pounds
7,500 pounds
if one pound equals $1.49 then 2000 pounds should be about $2980.00
1000 thousand pounds
a camel can drink 80% of its body wait at one time