42 g = about 0.0926 pounds.
42 kilograms = 92.6 pounds
1 pound equals 32,000 ounces so 32,000 x 42= 13,440,000
same as 26 miles equals in pounds
No. 2.20 pounds = 1kg
19.05 kilos for 42 pounds.
when first made, 1 guinea was 20 shillings which was £1 it then became 30 shillings A guinea was worth 21 shillings, so 2 guineas was worth 42 shillings, which was 2 pounds and 2 shillings (£2.10p in todays currency).
There are approximately 92.6 pounds in 42 kilograms.
Currently, 42 pounds = 44.68 Euros
42 gallons of water is 350.7 pounds
42 pounds = 19 kilograms
42 tons is 84,000 pounds @2,000 pounds per ton.