

How many pounds is a talent?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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11y ago

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The Attic talent, as a weight, was about 57 lbs.

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Q: How many pounds is a talent?
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How many pounds in a talent of gold?

A talent of gold is estimated to be approximately 75 pounds.

The weight of a talent?

The bible says , before the end there will hailstone the weight of a talent . Which is 72 pounds .

How much does a talent of gold weigh?

It wieghs about 94 pounds.

What is the meaning of a Talen of Silver?

I believe that you may be referring to a talent of silver. A talent was a unit of measure by weight. Some believe that a talent was equal to about 115 troy pounds.

What is the value of a talen during the roman empire?

I would assume you had a typo and misspelled talent, spelling it talen.The talent was a unit of weight invented by theGreekswhich was also adopted by the Romans. The Attic (Greek) talent was 27 kilograms (57 pounds). The Roman talent was 32.3 Kilograms (71 pounds). The talent itself had no value. What had value was the material which wasweighed. Originally, the talent was used to measure the amount of silver that defeated cities had to pay as war indemnity. Later, the talent was also used to weigh gold.Thevalueof a talentdependedonwhetherit was a talent of gold or a talent ofsilverand on the time in history. The Roman Empire lasted for many centuries and the value of gold and silvervariedgreatly over time.One talent, depending on how much an ounce of gold is valued, is approximately (nowadays) $840,000 - $850,000.

How many time is the word talent mentioned in the Bible?

14 in the NIV & KJV 13 in the ESV & NRSV In most of these cases the reference is to talent of gold, silver, or lead, which is a weight of approximately 75 pounds or 34 kilograms.

How much does a talent of H2O weigh?

A talent of water is an ancient unit of measurement equivalent to approximately 34 kg or 75 pounds.

What are the disadvantages of talent hurts?

There are many talent disadvantages. You can get hurt, get nerves or get fired.There are many disadvantages of a talent. You can not get the talent right, get hurt doing it or get nerves doing it.

How much does a talent of silver weigh?

The Talent is an ancient unit of mass equal to 26 kg, as well as a unit of value equal to this amount of pure silver. 1 talent of silver is approximately 57.2 pounds.

How do you get 1000 pounds?

to get 1000 pounds you need to get a job that you can get Lot's of money off it like being famous or going on Britain's got talent or America's got talent or X factor even who wants to be a millionaire?if it doesn't work i will find more

How much does Britain's got talent make?

It makes millions of pounds from advertising and vote-ins.

How many pages does A Talent for War have?

A Talent for War has 310 pages.