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Q: How many pounds of peach grow in one acre of land?
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The US average is about 62 bushels per acre.

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How much is one acre of land in California?

One acre of land in California is about the same as one acre of land on the moon.

How much does an acre of land cost?

It really depends on what is in the land and where it is an empty acre maximum would probably be about 50k in a prestigious area but in a less prestigous are usually it would beabout 10k the rock bottom would probably be about 500 pounds

What is in a acre a land?

One acre of land contains 43,560 square feet.

How much is land per acre?

Land per acre really depends on the location. Land on the water is much more expensive per acre than land in the city.

How much food does one acre of land produce a year?

The amount of food produced per acre of land can vary widely depending on the type of crop being grown, soil quality, climate, and farming practices. On average, one acre of land can produce enough food to feed several people for a year, but the exact amount will depend on the specific crop being grown.

How much is per acre?

Land per acre really depends on the location. Land on the water is much more expensive per acre than land in the city.

Price of an acre of land in Mississippi?

The cheapest land with no timber or structures in Mississippi is roughly $800 to $1200 an acre. Land with timber is closer to $1500 to $2500 an acre.

How much does 1 acre of land cost in Jacksonville Florida?

The cost of an acre of land in Jacksonville Florida varies significantly. An acre of land in the city will be more than land in a rural setting.

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how much land is 0.098compard to 1 acre

How much is an acre of agricultural land?

Around about 1 acre