How about 40% of NBA players see the link - 44k
There are 640 of them.
Victor records is the name of a record company. victrola records are the type of records played on a victrola machine. Victor Record Company made both Victor Records and Victrola Records. I had many of
8 x 7 x 6 = 336 ways
This is a question with no correct or accurate answer. Humans have been picking up diamonds since 6,000 BC (in India), and raw diamonds can be cut into many pieces, depending on the original size of the raw stone. In addition to all the mined and found stones accounted for, there are stones without record. Diamonds are also mined by criminal enterprises, where records may not be kept. Finally, cut and polished stones can be re-cut and in some records become new and additional stones. You can read more about diamonds by following the link, below.
There are more than 27,000 professional men and women golfers in the United States. These golfers are trained through the PGA - the Professional Golfers' Association of America.
There are more than 1,000 professional athletes in Europe.
There number of the professional black athletes is in the tens of thousands. Most of the athletes disciplines is dominated by the black athletes from different parts of the globe.
all athletes are educated, but the amount of it varies.
There are many things about professional athletes to know, if that's what you mean.
about 5000
over a million
Loads!!! i think the question is how many pro athletes smoke !!!
Almost all of them
there are 1000's of disabled of athletes in the world, that compete in sports