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Q: How many pull bearers for a coffin of a body 5ft 7?
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Does Pull ups are a core exercise for upper body?

I had read that it is the core exercise

Do pull ups decrease height?

no never, it will increase the body height. when we pull and leave the body strength it causes gravity an the body stretches .

What is a push or pull one body exerts on another body?

It is called force. Force is the push or pull exerted on a body that can change the shape or size, speed and velocity or other physical properties of that body.

What did they use to mummify King Tutankhamun?

First, they would lay the dead king on a table. Then, they would take out all the essential organs and put them in jars with god heads on the top of them. Then using a small metal chink, they would shove up the chink in their nose and slowly pull out the brain piece by piece. Then they would rub the body in essential oils, then fill up the coffin with salt and leave it like for many months until all the moisture had dried out of the body.Then the would pull it out of the salt. Then slowly, VERY slowly, they would rap up the body in long strips of cloth, and make many layers. Then the body would be encased in a small wooden cofifn, then placed in a huge golden coffin, like King Tut's. Then they would a bunch of gold, food, and sometimes even people in the chamber for the king to enjoy in afterlife. Then they would seal the chamber airtight, leave, and never come back. Note: The egyptians never took out the heart from the body because they believed that it was the central control of the body, instead of the brain.

What tools are needed to rob a grave?

If you're going to rob a grave, you should bring a shovel, a crowbar, a hatchet, heavy gloves, a rope, and Vicks. It's easiest to just unearth one half of the coffin---where the head is, if you're lucky. Before you break it open using the crowbar and hatchet, smear some Vicks under your nose to help mask the rotten smell and pull on the gloves. Break the coffin open and tie your rope around the neck or ankles of the deceased. Pull them out, take what you want, slide them back in---like a battery into a remote---and then rebury the coffin.

What is a body subjected to a pull?


Do biceps push or pull?

The biceps pull the lower arm towards the body.

Is push up a push or pull?

It is a push and a pull. When you move your body towards the ground, it is a pull. A pull as in a pull to the ground. It is a push when you are moving away from the ground.

What are pull ups in fitness?

Pull ups can strengthen upper body strength and cause muscles to develop. The upper body and arms will then be stronger.

Where is the greatest gravitational pull?

The gravitational pull of any celestial body, is the maximum on its poles.

The weight that registers when you step on a scale is the response of your body mass to the pull of what?

The weight registered on a scale is the response of your body mass to the pull of gravity. Gravity exerts a force on your body mass, causing it to be pulled downwards. This force is measured as weight when you step on a scale.

What is pull on earth on you?

I think that's gravity. Gravity is the pull of a celestial body on other things.