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Q: How many quarter mile laps does a person need to run to complete 1 mile?
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How many quarter laps complete 1 mile?

32 laps

How many quarter mile laps to run a complete 5 miles?

20 laps

How many laps equals 4 miles?

16 laps on a quarter mile track.

How many laps do runners run on a quarter mile track in the 10000 meter race?

24.85 laps

How many laps must a person run around a quarter- mile track to run 9 and a half miles?

38 laps exactly! Each mile has 4 quarters, thus: > 9 miles have 9 × 4 = 36 laps > a half mile has ½ × 4 = 2 laps for a total of 38 laps

How many laps do runners run on a quarter mile track in the 5000 meter race?

12 and a half laps

How many laps for 0.75 mile?

The length of the track determines this. A quarter mile track would be 3 laps to equal .75 mile.

How many laps do you have to run to complete 300 meters?

0.75 laps of a 400m track or 1.5 laps of a 200m track.

1.2 miles equals how many laps?

The standard outdoor track is 400m long, a quarter mile. Five laps is 1.25 miles. I think what the person was looking for was how many laps in a pool: Most pools are 25m, if it is an olympic pool 50m: 1.2 miles = 1600*1.2 = 1920m So for 25m pool: 76.8 laps and for 50m pool: 38.4 laps

Jack and Ashley began jogging a quarter-mile asley takes 2 minutes to complete the each lap jack takes 3 minutes how many laps will each have run the first time they are side by side again at the poin?

6 laps

How many laps must a person run around a quarter mile track to run 1600 meters?

Four times. 1 mile = 1609 meters

How many laps do you run when you are doing 110 meter hurdles?

normal 400m laps of a track, that's just over one-quarter of one.