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Q: How many quarters are in six fourths?
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106 x 4 = 424There are 424 fourths (or quarters) in 106.

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Three quarters of 75 is 56.25 (AKA... Fifty Six and a Quarter)

What does two-fourths plus two-eigths equal?

two fourths equals one half two eighths equals one quarter one half plus one quarter is three quarters. Or, two fourths equals four eighths four eighths plus two eighths equals six eighths six eighths equals three quarters.

What is greater three fourths or one half?

Three fourths is three quarters One half is two quarters. Three quarters is greater than two quarters.

How many fouths are in one half?

there are two fourths in a half. think of a cake (yum) cut the cake into quarters . how many quarters will make half a cake and the answer is two (leave me some cake to eat)

How many quarters are in three fourths?

3/4 is the same as 75/100, and a quarter has a value of 25.Therefore, there are three quarters in three fourths.75/25 = 3

Does 4 equal parts equal fourths or quarters?

Four equal parts equals both fourths and quarters.

How many fourths are there in six wholes?

24 of them.

How many halves are there in six fourths?

How many halves are there in six-sevenths

How many quarters are there in one whole?

The root word "Quar" means four, so there are four quarters, or four fourths in a whole

How many fourths are there in six-eighths simplify?

6/8 simplifies to 3/4, so there are three fourths in six eighths.

How many fourths are in six halves?

There are three halves in six fourths because 6/4 reduces to 3/2.