70 percent of 186 = 130.2. As you cannot get 0.2 of a question right, we'll round that up to 131. That leaves 55 questions you could get wrong and still score 70 percent - 70.43 to be precise.
If the examiner is feeling generous, then they would round up 130 questions correctly answered from it's actual value of 69.89% to 70&, but it might be best not to bank on that.
The answer will depend on how many of the ones you do manage to answer are correct!
No more than 15.But why miss any ?
25 questions missed
Not more than 11.
.8 x 30 = 24 so you can miss 6 questions
24 of them.
6 of them.
The answer will depend on how many of the ones you do manage to answer are correct!
You can miss 10% of questions, or 12 questions
No more than 15.But why miss any ?
25 questions missed
No more than 19. You can do it!
No more than 17 of them.