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Q: How many questions can you get wrong on a test that has 50 questions in order to score 78 percent?
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How many questions can I get wrong on a 25 questions test to score 70 percent?

30/100*25 =7.5 so you must not get more than 7 questions wrong to score 70%

How many questions be wrong on a 70 question test to get 70 percent?

In order to score exactly 70% on a test with exactly 70 questions ... if every questionis worth the same credit ... you have to get 21answers wrong. You can do it.

How many questions can you get wrong on a test that has 30 questions in order to get a 78 percent?

If you get 7 wrong you'll get 23/30 = 76.66... % Not enough. So fewer than 7. But that is provided that wrong answers score 0 and do not have penalties.

How many do have to miss to get an 80 percent on 30 question?

In order to score 80% on a test with 30 questions, you must give 6 wrong answers. You can do it!

What is the percent if you get 3 questions wrong out of 33 on a history test?

Your score would be 90.91%

What is the percent if 28 questions were wrong out of 70 questipns on a test?

If you miss 28 questions out of 70, your score would be 60%

How do you convert a 100 percent score to a 60 percent score?

Don't study.

How many question can you get wrong out of 200 questions and theres a 70 percent to pass?

You can get 60 questions wrong and get a 70 percent but if you get 61 wrong you are at a 69.5 percent.

How many questions can you get wrong on a test that has 100 questions in order to get a 78 percent?

if you get 22 questions wrong, you will have a 78%. less then 22 wrong would mean a higher percentage and more then 22 wrong would mean a lower percentage.

A test has 170 questions how many can i miss to get a 70 percent test score?

.30 x 170 = 51 wrong

How many questions can you get wrong on a 70 question test to get a 70 percent?

To score 70% or higher you must get at least 70/100 * 70 = 49 questions right. So you can get 70 - 49 = 21 questions wrong, but no more!

What questions can you get wrong to get a 90 percent if there are 50 questions?

You can get 5 out of 50 questions wrong to get 90%.