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Q: How many railcars does it take to equal 1 mile?
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One mile of biking equals one mile of walking

How many odometer miles equal 1 mile?

A mile is a mile, give or take the acccuracy of the meter - which is usually something like 1-3%

How many feet does it take to equal a mile?

5,280 feet. Nautical miles have 6,000 feet.

How many times around a 1 11th of a mile track equals a mile?

If the track is 1/11 of a mile in length, it would take 11 times around the track to equal a mile.

How many laps in 25 meter pool to equal amile?

It will take 64.4 lengths (32.2 laps) to equal one mile.

How many laps does it take around the gym if it is 50 X 84 to equal a mile?

Assuming you are running very close to the gym walls, it would take you about 19.7 laps to run a mile.

How many meters equal 5280 feet our gym pool is 50 meters up and back one full lap How many laps to equal a mile?

Answer: 5280 ' = 1609.344 m. 1609.344/50 = 32.2, so it would take 32.2 full laps to complete one mile.

How many floors are equal to a mile?

It would take about 160 floors to equal one mile. This is based on an average height of 10 feet per floor.

How many miles are in 950 feet?

One mile is equal to 5280 feet. Therefore, 950 feet is a fraction of a mile. Take 950 and divide by 950 to get that fraction. 0.1799242424...or 95/528 miles.

How many yards it take to make a mile?

There are 1760 yards in a mile

How many muscles does it take to run a mile?

there are 36 muscles in a run mile

How many hours equal a mile?

The number of hours it takes to equal a mile depends on the speed at which you are traveling. If you are walking at a brisk pace of around 3-4 miles per hour, then it would take you approximately 15-20 minutes to walk one mile. However, if you are driving or running, it would take significantly less time.