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Q: How many rectanguler prisms i can you make with 20 cubic units?
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How many different rectangular prisms can you make with a volume of 18 cubic units?

There are 4 of them.

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What Does a kilogram and gram are units make cubic meter?

No, grams and kilograms are units of mass/weight. Cubic meters are a unit of volume.

How many ways can you make a rectangular prism using 24 cubic blocks?

You can do it ten times, I had an assignment and we had to make ten rectangular prisms 10 times

How many square feet to make a cubic yard?

This is not a valid conversion. Cubic units is a measure of volume while square units is a measure of area.

How many sq mt in a cubic mt?

Square units and cubic units are quite different things; it doesn't make sense to convert from one to the other.

What amount of cubes make exactly 4 prisms?

2 cubes = 4 prisms

How many prisms can be made with 18 cubes?

You can have the 18 as prisms, OR.. they can be cut up into an infinite number of different prisms, as many as your tools for cutting it can make.

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How many kilogram force per square centimeter in 1 m3?

The question is very unclear. Here are some facts that may help: -- "Kilogram" is not a force. -- "Square" units are not compatible with "cubic" units. -- 10,000 square centimeters make 1 square meter. -- 1,000,000 cubic centimeters make 1 cubic meter.

How many rectangluar prisms are needed to make three shapes?

You can make a lot more than three shapes with just 2 prisms.

How many different rectangular prisms can you make with a volume of 24 cubic units?

Infinitely many.For example, let a be any positive number less than cuberoot(24) = 2.88 approx.Let b be any number such that a < b and b < sqrt(24/a).And let c = 24/(a*b)Then a rectangular prism with sides of lengths a, b and c will all be different and each will have a volume of 24 cubic units. And since the choice of two of the sides is arbitrary, the number of such prisms is infinite.The conditions placed on the measures are simply to ensure that the three measures are in non-decreasing order. This ensures that a prism of sides 2*4*3 will not appear in the list, having already been recorded as a 2*3*4 prism.