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OK when i called the weslo company they said 300 revoultions = 1 mile and 10rpm=2mph, has anybody else had any luck figuring this out?

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Q: How many revolutions are in a weslo elliptical mile?
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How many elliptical revolutions are in a mile?

The amount of elliptical revolutions per mile can vary with the machine. For example if an elliptical machine has an 18 inch stride then the revolutions per mile would be 1760.

How many revolutions does a tire make in a mile?

That would depend upon the size of the tire. My car has tires that are about 221/4" in diameter which means they have circumference: circumference = π x diameter ≈69.9" which is the distance travelled in one complete revolution of the tire. 1 mile = 63360 in ⇒ revolutions = 1 mile ÷ circumference_of_tire ≈ 63360 in ÷ 69.9 in ≈ 906.43 revolutions per mile My bicycle has tires that are about 271/2" in diameter meaning the number of revolutions is: revolutions ≈ 63360 in ÷ (π x 271/2 in) ≈ 733.39 revolutions per mile

How many revolutions are there in a mile on a Proform XP 130 with the ifit feature?

640 revolutions completed the on-screen track which takes about 15 minutes at an average speed, so I would assume that the complete track represents a mile.

How many revolutions will a 215 70 14 tire make in a mile?

Approx 720 revolution.

What unit of distance is used on the Nordic Track Audiostrider 800?

I read an artice online where the guy used a math equation to figure this out. His outcome was 1 mile equals about 1,008 revolutions. UPDATE: In his example, yes. That example used a formula for finding the circumference of his elliptical "wheel" - C=d(PI) (PI calculated only to 3.14159265, but that's good enough for this exercise) The diameter of his "wheel" was 20", therefore C = 20(3.14159265) or 62.831853" Converted to feet - 62.831853/12 = 5.236' So, then it's simple math to figure out how many revolutions per mile - in this case 1008 (5280/5.236) So *IF* your elliptical's wheel is 20", then yes, approximately 1008 revolutions. But following this logic, you can figure it out for your own elliptical quite easily.

What is a good time for a mile on elliptical machine?

I do a mile in 3 1/2 minutes.

How many revolutions will a car tire make in one mile?

it would depend on the speed of the car or the diameter of the tire.

Revolutions per mile for forty two and a half inch tire?

474.5439 revs per mile

How many revolutions in seconds does light travel 1 mile?

None. It's a trick question. Light travels in firsts.

How many actual revolutions does an engine turn during a 5 second quarter mile drag race?

Approximately 750.

Revolutions per mile for thirty three inch tire?


Elliptical speed at 12 mph how long to go a mile?

Five minutes.