Being 'perpendicular' would require the lines to be at 'right angles' to each other... So, if working in a 2-dimensional setting, the joining of 3 perpendicular lines would not be possible. If working in a 3-dimensional setting, the answer would be 12. Four from the intersection of the 1st and 2nd lines, four from where the 3rd line intersects initially, and four from where the 3rd line leaves the intersection.
Perpendicular is when opposite angles that are formed when two lines intersect and are congruent called?
If two lines intersect at right angles then they are perpendicular!
Perpendicular lines intersect at right angles to each other.
Perpendicular is when opposite angles that are formed when two lines intersect and are congruent called?
If two lines intersect at right angles then they are perpendicular!
Perpendicular lines intersect at right angles to each other.
Perpendicular lines intersect to form right (90 degree) angles every time.
yes, it makes four right angles.
Perpendicular lines intersect to form right angles.
Perpendicular lines form right angles when they intersect.
Perpendicular lines
Perpendicular lines intersect to form right angles
Only if the angles formed are right angles otherwise they form vertical opposite equal angles