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Q: How many right angles in a turn from east to south clockwise?
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What direction are you facing east and then turned clockwise through 2 right angles?


How many congruent angles do two intersecting lines form?

If the lines are perpendicular, which is to say, intersect at right angles, then all four angles are congruent, since they will all be 90o. If the intersection is not perpendicular, then there are two sets of congruent angles. Opposite angles will be equal. That is to say, if you imagine the angles forming at more or less the cardinal points of the compass, the north and south angles will be equal, and the east and west angles will be equal.

Do planes only fly clockwise around the world?

Aircraft fly in the direction of their destination regardless which way around the world that may be. That's a trick question. To an observer standing at the North Pole, a plane flying east to west is going clockwise. To an observer standing at the South Pole, a plane flying west to east is going clockwise. And, of course, some planes fly over the poles. But if you only consider planes that are flying east/west, they are going both clockwise and counterclockwise, depending on which direction you are viewing them from.

The four main directions are called what?

North south east west up down left right

Can a right triangle can be an equilateral triangle?

Short Answer: no Long Answer: Most people consider Euclidean Geometry when taking about standard shapes such as triangles and squares. In Euclidean Geometry: all equilateral triangles have angles of 60°. Therefore an equilateral triangle doesn't have a right angle. However, in Non-Euclidean Geometry (Elliptic Geometry) a triangle can have all angles at 90°. Consider going for a walk at the North Pole. Start going South (all directions are South), then turn at a right angle (90°) to go East, then turn again at a right angle (90°) to go North and you would end up at your starting point (assuming the distance travelled in each direction is the same). The 'triangle' you made would have 3 right angles!!

Related questions

What direction are you facing east and then turned clockwise through 2 right angles?


You are facing the north pole is the direction east to your left or to your right?

As long as you are not standing on either the North or South Poles, the east would be to your right.

You are interested to know the movement of the earth is it clockwise or anti-clockwise?

Its both. If you look at the north pole from space, the earth spins counter-clockwise. If you look at the south pole from space, it spins clockwise. If you look at the earth at the equator, It moves to the right, or west to east.

How many degrees are there from north ton south east anti clockwise?


What oceans border Denmark?

Starting at the south-east and going clockwise: Northsea, Skagerak, Kattegat, Øresund, Baltic sea.

What are the three dimensions of space?

That simply means that you can have three straight lines, such that each of them is at right angles to all the others.You can choose one that goes from north to south, one that goes from east to west, and one that goes from up to down. Or any other three lines at right angles to one another - for example, another option is 1) north-east to south-west; 2) north-west to south-east; 3) up to down.

If you are facing east and you turn clockwise 90 degrees which direction will you be faceing?


List the four major directions in clockwise order?

North ,east,south ,west

Is there 16 directions i n a compass?

Going clockwise, the 16 directions are... North North North East North East East North East East East South East South East South South East South South South West South West West South West West West North West North West North North West ...and back to North again.

Does earth spins to east to west?

The Earth spins counterclockwise so no, it spins from west to east. Counter clockwise if you are standing on the north pole. Clockwise if you stand on the south pole. Either way it spins from west to east.

112.5 degrees from south?

Depends on wether one counts clockwise or counter-clockwise. Assuming starting at the south point and traveling 112.5 degrees from there one ends up at west-north-west. Going counter-clockwise and traveling "backwards" one ends up at east-north-east.

What is a way of giving direction as an angle?

In terms of bearings. North is at a bearing of 000 (always given as a 3-digit number). Move clockwise to East = 090, South = 180, West = 270. Intermediate angles as appropriate degrees.