The answer depends on the font, but for sans serif fonts, there are none.
In the font that you have used, there are none.
The word 'joy' appears 114 times in the KJV (years 1611 and 1769) Bible.
2 joy-ful
The word "Joy" is found 165 times in 155 Verses in the King James version of the Bible Nigel
In the font that you have used, there are none.
Angles around the circle O add up to 360 degrees Angles in Y are 2 of them are obtuse angles and 1 is an acute angle and the 3 of them add up to 360 degrees Angle in J could be a right angle
The word joy has one syllable.
The word 'joy' appears 114 times in the KJV (years 1611 and 1769) Bible.
The word 'joy' appears 114 times in the KJV (years 1611 and 1769) Bible.
2 joy-ful
there are 2: en- + joy
'Yorokobi' is a Japanese word for joy.
The Norwegian word for joy is glede.