On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : 10 in roman number Is : X
30 = XXX 10 + 10 + 10
The date 07-10-1994 in Roman numerals would be VII.X.MCMXCIV
The equivalent prime numbers from 1 to 10 in Roman numerals are: II, III, V and VII
There are no negative numbers in the Roman numeric system.
On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : 10 in roman number Is : X
Make an X out of the two sticks. X is the Roman Numeral for 10.
You can make 14 bundles of 10 out of 148 sticks, with 8 sticks leftover.
30 = XXX 10 + 10 + 10
On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get: xxxvmmxiii in roman numerals is written as :2038 where M=1000 X=10
X is the roman numeral for 10 and V is the roman numeral for 5. So 10+10+5=25.
Approximately 1.25 sticks
The date 07-10-1994 in Roman numerals would be VII.X.MCMXCIV
Well, 87 isn't divisible by 10 so either you'll have to break the sticks (the answer is in points), or you have 8 10 stick stacks and have a remainder of 7.
The equivalent prime numbers from 1 to 10 in Roman numerals are: II, III, V and VII
There are no negative numbers in the Roman numeric system.