You can go as high as you need to go.
Roman numerals can only go up to 4,999.
Roman numerals really only go up to a million.
roman numerals only go up to 1000, which is M
If u would like a list, go to...
You can go as high as you need to go.
Roman numerals can only go up to 4,999.
Roman numerals really only go up to a million.
roman numerals only go up to 1000, which is M
If u would like a list, go to...
IVXLCDM No I didn't mistype that. I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000 The way you use them is a little bit complicated so I won't go into that, but basically, you string them to make numbers like XXV which is 25. The ordering also matters too, but like I said, I won't go into that here.
== == The largest single Roman Numeral is M = 1,000However much larger numbers can be made by stringing together many numerals, and another Roman convention was a bar across the top of a number to indicate it was a multiple of 1000 times its normal value. _ M (with bar on top) = 1,000,000
XIV.VIII.IX There ye go :)
they would use roman numerals DIII.
Well over 2000 years. However the Roman Numerals we use today are not the Roman Numerals that the Romans used.As the Romans used them there was no ordering: IV & VI were both six, four could only be written as IIII, etc.It was monks in the middle ages that introduced modern Roman Numerals as a shorthand form.