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Q: How many rubber trees will be there in one acre?
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How many trees are in one acre of forest?

This depends on how many feet the trees are spaced apart. If the trees are spaced about a foot apart, then there is going to be about 43,560 trees in one acre.

How many rubber trees can be planted in one acre of land in India?

An average rubber tree can produce 200 to 400 kilograms of rubber a year. This depends on the age and the size of the rubber tree as well as the location of the tree.

How many rubber trees can be planted in one acre of land in Kerala State in India?

Mature rubber trees are usually about 10 feet (3 metres) apart. So, assuming you plant them in a solid block with 10 foot wide rows and 10 feet between trees, you can plant 2,178 trees on five acres.

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How many apple trees can be planted on one square acre of land?

maybe 13?

How many trees are in one acre?

It could be any number. It depends upon the acre which is a piece of land about 209 feet by 209 feet. maybe zero trees, maybe hundreds.

How many rubber trees need to be taped to get one sheet of rubber?

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How many rubber trees need for taping one kg?

Minimum 13 to 17 trees need for taping 1 Kg Rubber sheet.

How many trees can produce one kg of latex rubber?

Normally 5-8 healthy rubber tree can give 1Kg of rubber

How much income can be generated from one acre of rubber plantation in kerala?

1.5 lakhs

How much oxygen does 1000 acres of trees produce?

Around 1000 acres of trees can produce enough oxygen to sustain approximately 240 people annually. This can vary depending on the type of trees, climate, and other factors, but it gives a rough estimate of the oxygen production capacity.