1 GBP = 68.9249 Rs (also known as INR - Indian Rupees)
1 rs = 0.0145085 GBP (British Pound)
This will obviously vary over time and depending on where the money is exchanged.
There is 66 rupees in £1
12.5 of the cheaper stuff. 7.5 of the expensive stuff.
On 6 July 2014, it was worth 0.9866 PKR
The British pound is worth slightly less than the American dollar. Therefore, a pound is only worth about 6.2 American dimes. If you are talking weight, it takes about 200 dimes to weigh a pound.
40 rupees
79 rupees make a pound currently
In one British pound there are 87.3153 Indian Rupees.
85.2978942 Indian rupees = 1 British pound === ===
I Think That One Pound Is 100 Rupees...I'm Not Exactly Sure Though
79 rupees make 1 pound currently
1 pound equal to how many rupees?
There is 66 rupees in £1
As of today (02APR2011), 1 British Pound is worth about 71.6 Indian Rupees.
As of August 2012, one (1) pound sterling is equal to 87.51 rupees.
1 British pound= 67.2495 rupees 1 saint Helena pound= 67.2280 rupees 1 Syrian pound =0.9796 rupees 1 Egyptian pound= 8.1959 rupees
iam having 500,00.00 pound if you convert Indian rupees how many iwill get
The pound is worth 75.79 rupees at todays exchange rate. 25/11/08