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there 13262 schools in America

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Q: How many schools are in America?
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How many schools in America teach Chinese?

a lot

Does the US have any schools?

The United States of America has many schools in all 50 states.

How many schools have gyms in America?

The number of schools which have gyms in America is unknown. An article in the New York Times reported that Indiana has the largest high school gyms in America.

What are the schools called in America right now?

Well I'm sorry but no one even here in America can answer that because there are too many schools. The only way to do that is to drive around America writing down all the names to the schools.

How many middle schools in America offer sports?


How many private schools in America?

As of the 2007-8 school year, there were 33,740.

How many schools are there in America?

According to the 2000 Census projections for 2003-2004 there are 130,000 elementary and secondary schools; and 6,400 postsecondary institutions.

How many school doesn't have gym supplies?

43.9% schools in america dosen't have school

How many schools in America say the pledge of allegiance every morning?

Virtually all!

How many schools in America wear school uniforms?

Most schools in the US do not have a uniform. You will find uniforms at Catholic school. As well as other private schools. Public schools typically don't have a uniform.

How many schools wear uniforms in America?

Most schools in the US do not have a uniform. You will find uniforms at Catholic school. As well as other private schools. Public schools typically don't have a uniform.

In 2009 were schools in America in a good state?

schools are okay there have been many budget cuts in some public schools and some other things have been cute out too