

How many sec in km?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Seconds and km. are incompatible units - they measure quite different things.

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1 minute =60 sec so, 1 km min =60 km sec

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Acceleration = (change in speed) / (change in time) = [ (54 - 36) km/hr ] / (10 sec) = (18 km/hr) /(10 sec) = (1.8 km/hr-sec) x (3,600 sec / hr) = (1.8 x 3,600) (km - sec / hr2 - sec) = 6,480 km / hr2 Average speed during the 10 seconds = (36 + 54) / 2 = 90/2 = 45 km/hr Distance = (average speed) x (time) = (45 km/hr) x (10 sec) x (1 hr / 3,600 sec) = (45 x 10 / 3,600) (km - sec - hr / hr - sec) = 0.125 km = 125 meters

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The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.

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There are several factors that need to be considered when determining the speed the earth is moving. 1-the speed the earth travel around the sun, 2-the speed the earth spins on its axis, 3-the speed our galaxy is spinning, and 4-the speed our galaxy is moving within the universe. 1. earth rotates on its axis at a speed of about 1040 miles/hr (1670 km/hr or 0.5 km/sec) 2. earth revolves around the sun at an astonishing 18.5 miles/sec (30 km/sec) 3. our galaxy is rotating at a velocity of about 155 miles/sec (250 km/sec) 4. our galaxy is moving about 185 miles/sec (300 km/sec) so with all that said, as you stand or sit there reading this NOT moving in fact you are moving at 358.788888888 miles/sec! or for anyone else not in the US... 580.5 km/sec!

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(34.2 m/sec) x (3,600 sec/hr) / (1,000 m/km) = 123.12 km/hr (rounded)

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Acceleration is speed with a time, ex. 15 mph/hour, 150 km/sec/sec.