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31556926 seconds in a year

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Q: How many second per year?
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How many meters per second is 4.2 centimeters per year?

I get 0.00000000133 meter per second. (rounded)

How do you convert miles per second to miles per year?

Multiply miles per second by 31,556,926 to convert to miles per year.

How many eggs do grey warblers lay each year?

75 per second

What value must you know to calculate how much a light-year represents?

A "light year" is the distance that light travels in one year. Light travels so fast that the speed of light is measured in miles per second or km per second. You probably already know how many seconds are in a minute (60), how many minutes are in an hour (60), how many hours are in a day (24), and how many days are in a year (365.24). So if you knew the speed of light, you could multiply all those numbers together and figure out how far light travels in a year. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second or 300,00 kilometers per second.

How many meters a second is feet per second?

1 foot per second = 0.3048 meters per second.

How many miles per hour per second is 27.7 meters per second?

0.000300405757 mph per second.

How many meters per second are 1.52 revolutions per second?

It equals 9.67 metes per second.

How many meter per second equals 10 centimeter per second?

.10 meters per a second equals 10 meters per a second

How many hundredths of a second are there in a year?

60 seconds per minute x 60 minutes per hour x 24 hours per day = 86,400 seconds per day Assume 365 days per year: 365 days per year x 86,400 seconds per day = 31,536,000 seconds per year x 100 = 3,153,600,000

How many bits per second is 2 MB?

2 MB per second equals 16,777,215.9 bits per second.

How many cubic feet per second equal to cubic meter per second?

Cubic feet per second x 0.0238 = cubic meters per second.

How many cubic feet per second are in 10.177 cubic meters per second?

10.177 cubic meters per second = 359.4 cubic feet per second